How to Follow Up After a Sales Meeting

It’s a common misconception that the best salespeople are the ones who are the most aggressive and always closing deals. The truth is, the best salespeople know how to build relationships with their clients and keep them interested in doing business with them. This means following up after a meeting in a way that makes them remember you.

The importance of following up after a meeting

It’s important to follow up after a meeting because it helps keep you on the radar of the person you met with. It also gives you an opportunity to reiterate your interest in working with that person or company, and thank them for their time. As well as mentioning important details that were discussed in the meeting.

Key points

What you should include in your email

When it comes to following up after a meeting, it’s important to include all the relevant information in your email. This includes mentioning anything from the conversation you had with your client.

When you should send it

You should also try to send your email within 24 hours of the meeting, so they don’t forget about you.

Be helpful

When you follow up with them, do so in a helpful manner. Ask them if they have any questions for you on anything from the meeting or if there is anything else you can help with. Some ideas to follow up with are:

– A link to an article that would pertain to their business

– Their thoughts on another idea or suggestion you’ve had

– A question on whether they have anything else they need help with

This will help show that you’re more than just a salesperson looking for a sale.

Your conclusion

Try to avoid just sending a generic “I look forward to working with you” email because that shows a lack of effort. Instead, try sending something that talks about specific details from your conversation or a point you both agreed on.

Figure out the right balance

One of the best ways to make sure the person you met with remembers you is to follow up with them regularly. You don’t want to be a nuisance, so find a good balance between staying on their radar and being too aggressive.

The best time of day to contact them is typically in the morning, when they’re fresh and have had a chance to review their emails from the day before. Especially when you are looking for a quick response.

Don’t be pushy.

When following up with clients, it’s important to be professional and courteous. This means not calling too often or being overly aggressive in your attempts to get their attention. Pestering them will only make them less likely to want to work with you, so be patient and let them come to you.

Be genuine.

When following up with clients, it’s important to be genuine. This means not just saying things like “I hope we can work together soon”. When you can show that you’re interested in building a relationship with them, they’ll be more likely to want to work with you.

Maybe some funny stuff happened during the call, then you can end the email mentioning something about it with a joke. Just don’t bore them with stories they can read in the weekly paper – keep it short and relevant!

So remember …

Following up after a meeting is one of the most important things you can do to seal the deal and make sure the person you met with remembers you. By including all the relevant information in your email, sending it within 24 hours of the meeting, and being helpful and genuine, you’ll increase your chances of working with that person or company.

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Originally published: 2 years ago, updated 2 years ago

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